Page index for: ARTICLES

What’s new on our Facebook page

Here’s the road to our Funkhana Facebook page. You don’t need a Facebook account to view.

Who’s in first? – A funkhana puzzler

This video appears to be of a Triumph Spitfire in an ordinary gymkhana, but it’s really a clever funkhana. Guess what the challenge is.

Funkhana MG does gymkhana

With mentions of the persistent “Little Red Engine” and legendary stunt car driver Ken Block, this is about gymkhanas.

Vintage sports cars play “football”

See the parking lot funkhana when an MG car club gathers in Ada, Ohio, where Wilson footballs are produced.

Tennessee theme for Mini funkhana

Mini Meet East featured depictions of local landmarks: Rock City, Ruby Falls, Moon Pie, Chattanooga Choo Choo, outhouse and moonshine still.

North Sea Oil Field

This funkhana requires the passenger to carry a tray of water while driving a bumpy course. The goal is to deliver the water on time with minimal spillage.

Spark plug change

This test of coordination falls into the car care category and would typically be one of several stations on the course. The driver must approach the station, exit the car, then remove the spark plugs from a cylinder head using the tools provided.

Spark plug challenge

Message from the funkhana-meister

“I’m the one to blame for perpetuating the funkhana.” InĀ an effort to increase awareness and participation in funkhanas, I created Facebook and Twitter pages for that went live in March, 2012. My first post on Facebook was to explain the genesis of this website. Here’s what I had to say: In 1997, I created [...]

Convertible/Roadster or Coupe?

While open cars have great visibility and elbow room, limitations of closed cars should be considered.