Message from the funkhana-meister

“I’m the one to blame for perpetuating the funkhana.”

In an effort to increase awareness and participation in funkhanas, I created Facebook and Twitter pages for that went live in March, 2012.
My first post on Facebook was to explain the genesis of this website. Here’s
what I had to say:

In 1997, I created a giant octagon corn maze as part of an all-day funkhana for vintage MG car owners. Everyone had a blast. After that, I was eager to compete in as many funkhanas as possible. However, I was disappointed when a web search on the topic returned miscellaneous links to events from past years.

I wanted to know which clubs were planning funkhana events for the coming year and what kinds of crazy ideas they had. Surely there must be a comprehensive website all about funkhanas, I thought. So I typed “” into my web browser. I was startled to see a “domain does not exist” message. As if by instinct, I promptly Googled up a domain registration site, grabbed a credit card, and 20 minutes later was rescued from obscurity.

That was two years ago (2010). I had a “valuable” one-word domain name and a self-imposed responsibility to bring prominence to the lowest entity on the motorsports totem pole: the funkhana. Since then I’ve become a webmaster, funkhana-meister, Twitterer and with this post, a Facebook practitioner.

The website matured into it’s current format over the winter and is now ready to accept mass quantities of photos, videos and stories. Be sure to let me know about any upcoming funkhanas. I’m happy to assist clubs with organizing a funkhana and can help with publicity. Look for an informative discussion forum next on the website. It promises to be a good source of information and laughs.

John Olman
Cincinnati, Ohio USA
April 20, 2012

corn maze aerial view

Corn maze for cars in shape of MG logo

P.S.  Thanks for visiting. Please help spread the gospel about funkhanas by “liking” us on Facebook or following us on Twitter.  See links in right sidebar.