Blog entries. . .
Honey-Do FunkhanaMay 28, 2019

Plate locations are marked with chalk.
Honey-Do — synonymous with domestic chores — has become a theme for an entertaining sports car competition. The primary Honey-Do task featured here was “doing the dishes.” Additional honey-do activities adaptable for a funkhana include clearing the dining table, doing dishes, folding or hanging laundry, taking out the trash, and preparing or “cooking” a meal.
Object. A dozen plastic dinner plates were positioned throughout the parking lot, including several locations in corners or along curbs that required the driver to back up or otherwise maneuver the car. The object was for the passenger to collect each plate and return to the finish line in the least amount of time. There is no prescribed route, so the team must plan an efficient order and angle of attack. There is also a “taking out the trash” mission for the driver that is explained below.
The equalizer. In order to make the funkhana inviting to as many participants as possible, there should be a component where luck is a key factor. This equalizer intended to thwart the success of the fastest car or most athletic team, thereby giving just about anyone a chance to finish with a good score. “Taking out the trash” required the driver to toss a bottle cap into a small waste can after stopping the car no closer than an established chalk line. Only one cap could be thrown at a time and once the funkhana-meisters recognized the difficulty in throwing from a seated position, it was decided that after making 10 failed tosses, the car could proceed.
Limited space. This Honey-Do Funkhana was part of the 2011 Fall GOF (Gathering of the Faithful), conducted by the Ohio Chapter of the New England MG-T Register at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta, Ohio. The parking lot reserved for the club offered a superb panoramic view of the Ohio River, but was about half the size of a preferred funkhana venue. Plus, its 50-foot width challenged the large turning radius of the MG-TCs in attendance. The start-stop, back-and-forth driving required for dinner plate activity was perfect for the small parking lot, which is shown below. On the morning of the funkhana, cars were moved to the opposite end of the lot and much to everyone’s surprise, the funkhana took place in this area measuring only 50 x 100 feet!

The plunger/plate challenge was perfect for this 50′ x 100′ area (without parked cars).
Cornfield Maze for CarsJanuary 20, 2019
We are all familiar with the Field of Dreams quotation, but what if someone cut an octagon-shaped maze in an Ohio cornfield and asked MG drivers to take their cars through it? Well, they built it and they came! Nearly 50 MG cars, mostly T-types attempted to solve the puzzle as part of the Glasgow Green Trials, a daylong driving skills event and funkhana sponsored by the Ohio Chapter of the NEMGTR (New England MG T Register).
John Olman, an MG enthusiast from Cincinnati and owner of the farm began, planning the maze over a your ago. He enlisted the help of Adrian Fisher, a noted English maze designer and when completed the maze measured 315 feet across, in corn eight feet high! Covering over two acres there were over 2300 feet of nine-foot wide trails. Only a single car was allowed in the maze at any time and it required seven turns to exit the puzzle correctly, for which a bogey time of eight minutes was allowed. The winners were Doug and Spencer White in a ’59 MGA, and we’re delighted to report that only one entrant got lost and needed assistance!
Certainly a challenge, as our photos by John Olman show. Congratulations to all involved for something just a little different!
(From Moss Motoring Magazine, Winter issue, 1997.)
Encountering a dead-end roadblock is the bane of maze participants. In a traditional pedestrian maze, one simply turns around and retraces the path walking in a forward direction to continue searching for the exit. Not so for cars, even small British roadsters. Since the paths through the corn maze were only 9-feet wide, drivers had to drive backwards to the previous turn and choose another direction. The length of a side on the outer octagon of the maze was 120 feet, so you can just imagine how frustratingly fun it was for both driver and navigator.
The fastest time of the day was a remarkable one minute and 18 seconds by Doug and Spencer White in a 1959 MGA. Close behind was the fastest T-type MG, a 1955 MG TF belonging to Dick and Phyllis Hall. At the bottom of the list, only one car reached the maximum time of 8 minutes and was ceremoniously extricated from the corn by 9-year-old Scott Olman, riding a bicycle.

A road block (above) meant having to back up and a team failing to complete the maze within 8 minutes received a bicycle escort to freedom (below).
Aviation funkhana in Wright Brothers hometownOctober 1, 2015
Click here for photo gallery
The North American MGA Register (NAMGAR) conducted an aviation themed funkhana at its GT-37 meet on July 10, 2012, in Dayton, Ohio. More than 150 of these sleek British sports cars from the 1950s and ’60s were driven from across the US and Canada for this five-day event.
Attendees were treated to driving and sightseeing tours, a rally, sumptuous dining, camaraderie and informative tech sessions aimed at keeping their vintage cars roadworthy. In recognition of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the group conducted the MG Olympics, a humorous competition that someone referred to as a “funkhana tasks without cars.” Visitors were also treated to an open house at the fascinating British Transportation Museum.
Dayton is all about air travel, thanks to its most distinguished residents: Wilbur and Orville Wright. It was here that they operated their bicycle and printing businesses and went on to invent the first practical fixed-wing aircraft in 1903. Today, Dayton is home to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the spectacular National Museum of the US Air Force.
It’s only natural, then, that the funkhana would have an aviation theme. And who better to organize the competition than local MG Car Club members, Terry and Carole Looft. Terry, a recently retired commercial pilot, and his wife, Carole, travel extensively in their MGs and have won several funkhanas at the national level. Their clever challenge for the visiting car owners required the driver to take on the persona of an airline captain, while the passenger served as co-pilot. Adding to the authenticity were the pilot’s caps given to the participants and the short line of cars/planes waiting for clearance to depart.
Reproduced below are instructions given to the funkhana teams, along with a sampling of photos and videos from the eleven tasks that comprised the event. For a complete gallery, click here.
Terry Looft (left), organizer of the MGA funkhana along with his wife, Carole, is interviewed by Jimmy Dinsmore, Wheels Editor for the Dayton Daily News. In the photo gallery, Dinsmore can be seen serving as co-pilot to Dave Gribler in a white MGA.
Click here to view video.
Those Magnificent Men in “A” Flying Machine!
- This is a timed event. Completion of the course should be done in a safe manner and does not require dangerous driving.
- Participants deemed to be driving in an unsafe manner, not completing the course in the proper order, not smiling, or otherwise having a good time, or for any other reason are deemed to be violating our rules, will be DQ’d and asked to leave the course.
- Knocking over a marker, moving it from its marked position or touching it with any part of your car will result in point deductions.
- Crying, frowning or cussing will be cause for immediate point deduction.
- Items you will need will be given to you throughout the course. If you drop any item out of your car, you cannot retrieve it.
Pull your car up to the starting point. Turn the engine off. Both Captain and Co-pilot get out to push it out of the gate to a designated spot. (Those unable to push, can power back with imposed penalty.)
STOP! GET DRINK TRAY. Captain flies through turbulence while the co-pilot balances coffee, tea, and milk on a tray. ( I hope you don’t cry over your spilled milk. )
STOP! GET MASK. Captain covers his his eyes – Co-pilot is directing the flight.
Fly to the mail box, pick up the air mail letter. PUT THE RED FLAG DOWN.
Maneuver your way through the clouds (balloons). Be careful!
Co-pilot is steering the car from the right seat while the captain is snoozing.
Captain: Hands in the air.
Line up between cones – drive straight without hands on wheel –
Captain: Hands in the air.
Co-pilot tosses the barf bag in the toilet. NO STOPPING.
Return to the mail box – deliver the letter. PUT THE RED FLAG UP.
Circle two times and get ready for your landing.
Pull completely into the gate without hitting the cones. Congratulations – a good flight!
Exit the course!
Top Gear donut-eating police funkhanaMay 22, 2014
Nearly every Top Gear television show features a segment in which the hosts compete against each other in a driving contest requiring each to perform unusual tasks and stunts. In the US edition of the popular British show, aired on The History Channel, the cast of Tanner Foust, Rutledge Wood, and Adam Ferarra carry on the irreverent tradition of poking fun at car manufacturers, each other, and anything remotely related to the car culture.
Leading off the 2012 season, the guys take an off-beat look at full-size police cars by driving what they call an obstacle course, better known to us as a funkhana. Here’s the course layout:
The timed challenge required the following tasks:
- Driver must strap on protective body armor, then enter the car already occupied by a police sharpshooter.
- Put the car into a donut spin and continue circling for as long as it takes to eat a real pastry doughnut.
- Continue to the next station and perform a “Rockford” turn named popularized by the TV detective played by James Garner. Also known as the J-turn, the driver accelerates in reverse, then spins the car 180 degrees, continuing forward in the same direction.
- Driving ahead over bumpy terrain, the passenger/sharpshooter must shoot at and burst a series of balloon targets.
- Dash to the finish line to stop the clock.
The winner was Rutledge Wood with a time of 2:53 and no penalties. Both Tanner and Adam finished behind because of penalties for not completely consuming their doughnuts.
Click on thumbnails below to view gallery:
[Gallery not found]
(Note: This “Hollywood” funkhana was performed on a closed course by professional drivers. Never ever mix firearms with a funkhana!)
Photos: History Channel broadcast stills
Drop your noodle and teeter-totterApril 1, 2014
The Mini folks go all out with their funkhanas. Having a commentator on a public address system adds to the fun and helps to attract contestants and spectators. This is from the 2010 Mini East funkhana with an alien theme.
New Zealand Style FunkhanaFebruary 17, 2014
We have a new leader in the LONG DISTANCE AWARD contest at The New Zealand MG Car Club of Auckland graciously sent in a report of their funkhana held more than 8,000 miles (13,000 km) from our home base in Ohio.
Several items set this funkhana apart from the typical American one:
- It was conducted on a grass field, conveniently adjacent to a country restaurant.
- Participants were given Pulitzer-Prize-quality instructions for each “Test”. NOTE: If Kiwi tests are this much fun, we can only wonder what the exams must be like!)
- The Egg-and-Spoon Carry began with both team members outside of the car performing a Le Mans style running start.
- The Blindfold Slalom utilized for the blindfold an inverted grocery bag imprinted with someone’s facial image.
One could say that members of the Auckland MG Car Club like to “Eat and Run”
Credits: Darryl Bretherton, Terry Deuchar
Sacramento Miata Funkhana ReportDecember 3, 2013
Excerpted from club newsletter: Miatatudes newsletter - October, 2010
By Terri Bacon
Twenty eight good sports threw caution and dignity to the wind to participate in the Bear Valley FunkHana. Spectators perched on the hilltop above the parking lot while the participants put their cars and themselves to the test.
Track official, Robin George, administered random drug testing before the games. All participants either passed or failed. All were deemed eligible to participate. As Track Master Mike DeLaurentis released the cars to their events the teams faced the challenge, hearts pounding with fear and anticipation. Each car team of driver and PSM (passenger support member) dreamed of capturing the prize, but in the end only one could walk away with the prize for each event.
Competition was intense. At one point Jackie McClure was seen giving hand signals to Jim, who had a grocery bag on his head. Margie Jurach’s grip on a rope tether was so strong that she almost pulled judge and center-post Pam Hunt along with her to the next event. And Clay Cowan tried to beat the clock by attempting to eat a packet of soda crackers without removing the wrapper.
The second and third place winners took home the admiration of all who attended. The first place winners received bragging rights and official plaques.
Winners, in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place order were:
Picnic in the Park
Matt & Jill Thurston
Karen & Chris Mc Carty
JR and Susie Hahn
Beach Ball
Clay & Barbara Cowan
Barry & Sally Finley
Ron Petrich & Ray Chermak
Place & Pick Up Balls
Matt & Jill Thurston
Wayne & Michelle Thomas
Barry & Sally Finley
Margie Jurach & Ellen Frosch
JR & Susie Hahn
Vince Weiss & Kathy Bell
Bolts in the Engine Block
Ron Petrich & Ray Chermak
Karen & Chris MC Carty
Jim & Jackie McClure
Backing Up
Vince Weiss & Kathy Bell
Wayne & Michelle Thomas
JR & Susie Hahn
Steering Wheel of FortuneWes & Paula Wicker
Vince Weiss & Kathy Bell
Barry & Sally Finley
Drive Through Cones
Matt & Jill Thurston
Wayne & Michelle Thomas
Karen & Chris Mc Carty
Golf Digest funkhana articleNovember 4, 2013
“Fore-wheel” drive
Golf Digest Magazine. April, 1999
At the wheel of their 1932 Wolseley Swallow, Ron and Sonja Halbauer show their way to speed up play. The couple were photographed at an Ohio “funkhana” organized by golf historian John Olman.
Balloons pop at Porsche funkana (funkhana)May 18, 2013
Here’s a simple and easy to set up funkana* idea found on the website of the High Desert Region of the Porsche Club of America. The object was to pop a balloon with the right rear tire of the car. This was just one of the stations from the club’s 2010 event.
The balloon concept is so versatile that we think it would be fun to create an entire funkhana using balloon targets. The popping noise is sure to attract attention to the funkhana and help build a crowd of spectators. Balloon locations can be marked with chalk and fastest time would determine the winning team.
Here are some variations to consider:
- Using 4 balloons, require the team to pop one with each tire. For the right side tires, the passenger must navigate while the driver steers. For the left side tires, the passenger would take control of the steering wheel while the driver navigates and operates the foot pedals.
- Instead of driving over the balloons, pop them using a broom stick with a finish nail driven into the tip.
- Set up as many as 10 or 12 balloons in a random pattern similar to the Honey-Do Funkhana. This works great where space is limited and puts a premium on figuring out an efficient route that minimizes the amount of shifting from forward to reverse and back.
- For a large parking lot, balloons could have different point values based on color. Then allow a set time (such as two minutes) for a team to pop balloons and try to earn the most points. You can always add a handicap such as driving backwards or using a blindfold.
- Check with a local craft or hobby store for supplies and ideas how to secure balloons to the pavement. For a grass area, golf tees can be used to tether balloons.
* Many Porsche clubs prefer to use the funkana spelling, without the ”h.”
Debbie does funkhana?December 14, 2012
If you’re planning a funkhana, remember that a current event or other occurrence could be the basis for creating a themed event.
Here’s a situation where someone stole a truck and trailer from a gas station, then ditched the cargo of Little Debbie snack cakes in a warehouse parking lot. Hmmm…. cars, cops, and thousands of sorta donuts.
That’s reminiscent of the Top Gear police car episode.
Who's in first? - A funkhana puzzlerAugust 8, 2012
At first glance, the video below appears to be a gymkhana where the team drives forward to a specified spot, then backwards to the finish line. But it’s really a funkhana that becomes increasingly funny to the spectators.
What’s actually taking place?
I’m not going to divulge the answer just yet because this post is being presented as a puzzler to the hundreds of car nuts who “like” our Facebook page at
What I would like to emphatically share at this time is something that briefly comes into view at the left edge of the video just after 40 seconds of viewing time. There are plenty of dumb things a person can do at a funkhana. Drinking beer is not one of them.
Funkhana MG does gymkhanaJune 27, 2012
Here’s a short clip of your webmaster/funkhana-meister driving his ’53 MG TD in a gymkhana, also referred to as an autocross. In 24 years of ownership, the car has trudged through snow, done off-road hillclimbs and forded rivers, but never has it been driven in a parking lot competition lacking the craziness of a funkhana. Thank you to the Ohio Valley Austin Healey Club for a thrilling driver training opportunity. It was a proverbial demonstration of “The Little Red Engine That Could.”
The clip above shows an autotest, which is a like a gymkhana on steroids. It’s the difference between “wow” and “WOW.” It’s featured here because an autotest is sometimes referred to as a gymkhana. Also, the fact that it’s a such a skillful example of car handling might persuade you to forgive me for conning you into watching the boring cell phone video of my MG zooming across the finish line.
Moving along. . . The term “gymkhana” is often used interchangeably with “autocross,” especially in the United States (and in this blog post). Motorsports purists explain that an autocross is a compact version of a classic road racing course, driven forward in a continuous motion. A gymkhana, however, has slaloms, drifts and severe turns, repetition, and backing up. Think of the traditional gymkhana as being herky-jerky rather than fluid.
Gymkhana is also a term in the title of promotional videos featuring daredevil Ken Block, a former World Rally and X-Games driver. His “Gymkhana Practice” clip went viral on YouTube, with the number of views reportedly in excess of 40 million. Block’s Facebook page has 2.4 million “likes”. Look for more about Ken Block in an upcoming post at
NOTE If you’re inclined to only watch part of the second clip, I suggest you move the elapsed time pointer to 45 seconds for a most unusual ending. As for the first video, I extend my gratitude to anyone who watched the entire 8 seconds.
Vintage sports cars play "football"June 21, 2012
When I was “volunteered” to plan a funkhana for the Spring 2012 gathering of the Ohio Chapter – New England MG-T Register on the campus of Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio, two themes popped into my mind:
- FOOTBALL: Ada is longtime home to the Wilson Sporting Goods football factory. Handmade footballs for the NFL, NCAA, CFL, and youth leagues have been been produced in this small Northwest Ohio town since 1955, so why not do a football funkhana?
- PALINDROME: A word or phrase that reads the same forward or backward, such as our venue — Ada — is called a palindrome. Examples such as racecar and radar were tempting themes, but I found it simpler to go with odo and toot. Additionally, the course would have several palindromic inspired activities requiring both frontwards and backwards movements.
The Wilson folks were skeptical at first about loaning us items for use as funkhana props, but after conducting an informative factory tour for our intrigued group, they realized that we weren’t totally loony and generously provided some leather ball panels and laces. The flat diamond-shaped panels (four of which are sewn together to form the football) were perfect for tossing into a football design chalked onto the pavement. The person in the right hand seat picked up a stack of panels at one station, then had to toss one at a time to the drawing. The team could proceed once one landed in the outline or when they exhausted their panel supply.
The funkhana was a timed event with teams performing tasks along a slalom route that was marked with footballs rather than traffic pylons. At one station, where a football hung by its laces over an actual pylon, the left-seated person had to retrieve the ball on the outbound slalom and the right-seated person had to replace it on the incoming route. Because the MGs competing had both left- and right-hand steering configuration, this helped distribute tasks between driver and passenger.
As for the palindromes, every time competitors encountered the word “toot” on the pavement, they had to sound their horn. At the “odo” station, there were four speedometer/odometer units that had to be arranged sequentially based on the odometer reading.
The winners of the Ada Football Palindromic Funkhana were Mary and Dan DiThomas, of Dublin, Ohio. Their 1951 MG TD covered the course in one minute and 48 seconds.
It takes a team to produce a motorsports event, like this funkhana. Thank you to Ohio Chapter members: Allison Rapp, Craig Peck, Lora and Peter Jollis, and host David Smittle. Footballs were loaned by the Ohio Northern University football coaches and football items were provided by the Wilson Sporting Goods Company of Ada, Ohio.
Posted by John Olman.
Tennessee theme for Mini funkhanaMay 31, 2012
Chattanooga, Tennessee was the venue for the 2011 Mini Meet East, where Mini owners concocted and conducted another of their fantastic funkhanas. This local themed event would surely be an award winner, except for the fact that there aren’t any awards for funkhana design. (Having said that, we at are now inspired to present awards for funkhana excellence. Stay tuned.)
The funkhana required each team to navigate a defined course retrieve certain items from each of six stations that depicted Tennessee landmarks and “pasttimes”:
- Ruby Falls - ruby red rock
- Whiskey still – gallon of moonshine
- Chattanooga Choo-Choo – firewood
- “See Rock City” barn – binoculars
- Moon Pie – purchase famous local snack food
- Outhouse – paper
- Grabbing a jug of moonshine straight from the still. (credit:
Here’s a summary of the event excerpted from the New England Mini Owners website:
. . . our favorite event, the funkhana. Nick Lehner of Illinois did a great job creating the event. It featured local and tourist attractions. The event started with the navigator collecting a rock from under “Ruby Falls,” then the driver had to back up to a stand for the navigator to purchase a Moon Pie (made in Chattanooga) for a quarter. The next task, both the driver and navigator had to get out of the car to get a piece of wood and ring the Chattanooga Choo Choo’s bell. Then the driver had to back up to an outhouse for the navigator to grab a piece of paper, go over to the “Rock City” barn to grab some binoculars, and then go over to get a bottle of moonshine. During the course, the driver had to drive around two pylons, one forward and the other backwards. We all had a blast, both participants and spectators. (written by Lorine Karabec)
North Sea Oil FieldMay 27, 2012
This is one of the challenges from the Glasgow Green Trials, conducted in 1997 near Cincinnati, Ohio by the Ohio Chapter of the New England MG T-Register. Competitors were required to transport a tray of water over a designated course while keeping spillage to a minimum. The water represents crude oil in this imaginative simulation. The car is the tanker and the bumpy terrain represents the rough seas.
The team delivering the most ounces of water is the winner.
- arrive ahead of schedule: add bonus of 4 ounces
- arrive late: subtract 8 ounces
Ties broken by fastest elapsed time.
Spark plug changeMay 16, 2012
This test of coordination falls into the car care category and would typically be one of several stations on the course. The driver must approach the station, exit the car, then remove the spark plugs from a cylinder head using the tools provided.
[Gallery not found]Message from the funkhana-meisterApril 20, 2012
“I’m the one to blame for perpetuating the funkhana.”
In an effort to increase awareness and participation in funkhanas, I created Facebook and Twitter pages for that went live in March, 2012.
My first post on Facebook was to explain the genesis of this website. Here’s
what I had to say:
In 1997, I created a giant octagon corn maze as part of an all-day funkhana for vintage MG car owners. Everyone had a blast. After that, I was eager to compete in as many funkhanas as possible. However, I was disappointed when a web search on the topic returned miscellaneous links to events from past years.
I wanted to know which clubs were planning funkhana events for the coming year and what kinds of crazy ideas they had. Surely there must be a comprehensive website all about funkhanas, I thought. So I typed “” into my web browser. I was startled to see a “domain does not exist” message. As if by instinct, I promptly Googled up a domain registration site, grabbed a credit card, and 20 minutes later was rescued from obscurity.
That was two years ago (2010). I had a “valuable” one-word domain name and a self-imposed responsibility to bring prominence to the lowest entity on the motorsports totem pole: the funkhana. Since then I’ve become a webmaster, funkhana-meister, Twitterer and with this post, a Facebook practitioner.
The website matured into it’s current format over the winter and is now ready to accept mass quantities of photos, videos and stories. Be sure to let me know about any upcoming funkhanas. I’m happy to assist clubs with organizing a funkhana and can help with publicity. Look for an informative discussion forum next on the website. It promises to be a good source of information and laughs.
John Olman
Cincinnati, Ohio USA
April 20, 2012
P.S. Thanks for visiting. Please help spread the gospel about funkhanas by “liking” us on Facebook or following us on Twitter. See links in right sidebar.
Convertible/Roadster or Coupe?March 24, 2012
Open cars are great for funkhanas because of good visibility and elbow room for physical activities like throwing or kneeling to reach out of the car. If there will be more than a few closed cars, make sure those teams aren’t at a disadvantage.
Great State Fair FunkhanaDecember 3, 2011
Excerpt from club flyer:
Come one!
Come All…to the greatest show on earth!
The Great State Fair “Funkhana”!
*When: This Sunday…August 9th…at 1:00 PM.
*Where: The DMACC Transportation Institute at 2081 NE 54th Avenue…
just south of the Animal Rescue League…take the NE 14th exit off I-80,
head north to NE 54th…turn right(east)…head east to NE 22nd St and look to the right for the Union Jack flying in the wind.
*What: This is a low speed driving event, you will be asked to drive a certain route with plenty of twists and turns with various activities required. Both a driver and navigator will be required. This event will take place all within the refines of this parking lot…plan to have the time of your life!
The club will provide lunch of Subway party sandwich, chips, lemonade and ice tea, plates and utensils. We will plan to eat at 1:00 before the driving event begins. All you will need to provide is a fun attitude, chairs and a dessert to share with others.
We will need you to RSVP if you are attending so we know how much sandwich to order. Please contact us by Friday, August 7.
Who will win the “Blue Ribbon”?
Click here to view gallery
Blindfold the DriverApril 17, 2011
A popular way to handicap the driver is with a blindfold. Don’t worry! With the passenger carefully giving instructions and nearby course workers, combined with the low speed aspect of the funkhana, this is not as dangerous as it seems. Of course, the funkhana designer should make sure there are no potential hazards in the area (such as railroad tracks or a waterfall).

This blindfold option has the driver insert a piece of cloth inside the band of his or her hat.
Glasgow Green TrialsApril 16, 2011
“If You Build It, They Will Come…”
Moss Motors Magazine article: Winter 1997
We are all familiar with the Field of Dreams quotation, but what if someone cut an octagon-shaped maze in an Ohio cornfield and asked MG drivers to take their cars through it? Well, they built it and they came! Nearly 50 MG cars, mostly T-types attempted to solve the puzzle as part of the Glasgow Green Trials, a daylong driving skills event sponsored by the Ohio Chapter of the NEMGTR (New England MG T Register).
John Olman, an MG enthusiast and owner of the farm began planning the maze over a year ago. He enlisted the help of Adrian Fisher a noted English maze designer and when completed the maze measured 315 feet across, in corn eight feet high! Covering over two acres there were over 2300 feet of nine-foot wide trails. Only a single car was allowed in the maze at any time and it required seven turns to exit the puzzle correctly, for which a bogey time of eight minutes was allowed. The winners were Doug and Spencer White in a ’59 MGA, and we’re delighted to report that only one entrant got lost and needed assistance!
Certainly a challenge, as our photos by John Olman show. Congratulations to all involved for something just a little different!